The Influence of Previous Audit
Opinion Going Concern, audit Quality and Company’s Factor to audit Opinion
Going Concern
Dwi Cahyono
since 1998 economic crisiss has given a huge bad financial crisiss. Selling
growth indicates company’s ability to survive. A company which has positive
selling growth has inclination to survive.
Theoritical Framework
and Hypotesis Development
Going Concern Audit Opinion
concern is base assume in making financial report, a company can be assumed not
intended or wish to melikuidasi or materially decrease scale (SAK, 2007). This
has been arranged in Statement on Auditing Standards No. 59 (AICPA, 1988)
declares that auditors should decide whether they sure that their client can
survive or not in the future. Beside arranged in Public Accountant Professional
Standart (PAPS), Auditing Interpretation Statement Standart (AISS) No. 30 of
Independent Auditor’s Report about The Getting Worst of Indonesia Economy
Crisiss to Company’s Continuity.
considers auditors need to consider three things, namely (1) Auditor’s
obligation to give advise to the clients in uttering economy effect (if
necessary) to company’s ability to mantain its continuity. (2) Utterance of
next event that probably appear as the effect of that economic condition, and
(3) Modify audit standart form report if that economy worsting condition impact
to company’s ability in holding out its continuity . Some factors that cause
uncertainty of continuity (Arens, 1997), namely: (1) Continually getting big
loss or unsufficient capital, (2) Company inability to pay its liabilities at
due date in short period of time, (3) The losing of main customers, disaster
than hasnot insuranced, and (4) Lawsuit, law reinforcement or the similar
problem happened that can endanger company’s ability to run the bisnis.
Relation Between Audit Opinion at The Previous Year and Audit Opinion Going
previous researches such as research by Rahmadhany, Setyarno dkk, Praptitorini
dan Indira ,Santosa dan Linda, Indira, Tamba, Siahaan dan Juandini, stronger an
evidence that there is a positif relation between the previous year opinion and
giving audit opinion going concern year of work. If at the previous year a
company has accepted audit opinion going concern, so company’s possibility will
be bigger to accept the same opinion at the next year of work. Based on that
condition, it can be assumed into a hypothesis namely :
= Audit opinion at the previous year significantly influence to probability of
audit opinion going concern acceptence.
Relation Between Audit Quality and Audit
company in Indonesia is very selective in choosing auditor service as client
from Public Accountant Office (PAO) surely will be more strive the quality from
audit service that choosen. The pursuit for KAP in Indonesia is to increase
audit service that given to client. The indicators can be seen from auditor’s
ability to found any wrong diclosure. Based on that, can be made a prediction
in hyphotesis namely :
= Audit quality significantly affect to possibility of giving audit opinion
going concern.
Relation Between Company’s Financial Condition and Audit Opinion Going Concern
analysis Z Score not only used to predict bancrupt, but also used as standart
from a whole company financial performace. Based on the condition, we can make
a prediction in hyphotesis, namely:
= Financial distress significantly influence to a gift of audit opinion going
Relation Between Company’ Growth and Audit Opinion Going Concern
this research, company’s growth proxied with selling growth ratio, it is a
ration that measure how good is a company to maintain its economic position.
Selling is a main activity from manufacture company means mostly of the profit
that earned by company in a certain time influenced by selling that happend in
that time. Based on that case, we can make a prediction in hyphotesis namely:
= Company’s growth is significantly influence to give audit opinion going concern.
Between Debt Default and Audit Opinion Going Concern
of contast features with assumtion of going concern is company’s inability in
filling the ability at the due date. In SAS 59 explains that default debt and
debt restruction as potential indicator in the relationship with a given of
going concern opinion. Based on that case, can be made as a hyphotesis namely:
= Debt default significantly influence to audit opinion going concern
Theoritical Framework
on those hypothesis development to test whether audit opinion at the previous
year, audit quality, financial distress, company’s growth and debt default
influence audit opinion going concern, so we make a theoritical framework
reseacrh object is a whole go publik company listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange
(IDX) in manufacture line in 2007-2009.
Data Analysis Tecnique
Hyphotesis Test
test is done using (logistic regression), because the independent variable is
dicotomy variable or binner variable which has two category. In which the
category 1 is audit opinion going concern (GC) and 0 category is audit opinion
non going concern (NGC).
Judging Regression Model Properity
significant probability shown 0.822, significant value that got higher than
0.05. So can be conclude that regression model is able to predict observation
value and desearve to be usedon next research,because there is no real
difference between the clasification that predicted and clasification that
Overall Model Fit
in beginning -2LL (Block Number = 0) is 190,264. Meanwhile in last -2LL (Block
Number = 1), after entering five new independent variabels -2LL value get
decrease to be 59,671. This likelihood decreasing shows a better regression
model on the other hand model that hyphotized fit with data. Means the adding
of five new independent variables into researchmodel will revice this research
fit model.
Parameter Estimation and Intepretation (Regression Coeficient)
= -2,278 + 3,362 OP + 0,824 AQ – 1,289 ZSCORE - 0,002 SGR + 1,618 DEBT
is -2,278 declare that when a value of audit opinion at the previous year,
audit quality, financial condition, company’s growth and zero debt default, so
logit value audit opinion going concern is -2,278
result of debt default variable test in table 3 shows coeficient regresion is
1,618 with probability level (sig) is 0,022. Since significant level of
independent variable is lower than 0,05 so H0 rejected and Ha5 accepted. Therefore,
can be conclude that debt default significantly influence to audit opinion
going concern acceptance. This research result is also support Public
Accountant Professional Standart section 341 (2001) paragraph 6 letter b about
other clue of financial distress that cause disturbance of company’s going
concern, namely: debt default.
on data analysis and discussion that has been done can be conclude that :
1. Based
on test result use logistic regression shows that variable audit opini previous
year significantly influence to audit opinion going concern.
2. Based
on test result use logistic regression shows that variable audit quality
doesn’t significantly influence to audit opinion going concern.
3. Based
on test result use logistic regression shows that variable financial condition
significantly influence to audit opinion going concern.
4. Based
on test result use logistic regression found that variable company’s growth
doesn’t significantly influence to audit opinion going concern.
5. Based
on test result use logistic regression shows that variable debt default
significantly influence to audit opinion going concern.
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